InCo/Change The Game Iniciativa v Državnem svetu 2010

Event has been successfuly completed, emotions high,
inspirations provocative butreal, the awarness and the call for actions deeply present. Thank you
to all the participants and let the power of individuals and civil initiatives be present and seen every
day everywhere.

Video from the event:
Direct link to the video of the conference: click here.

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"InCo movement" of Slovenia and
the "ChangeTheGame " global initiative and
the National Council of Republic of Slovenia

are organizing an event
for the exchange of good practices and initiatives
for a progressive, sustainable development
of innovation ecosystems

National Council of Republic of Slovenia
Šubičeva 4
1000 Ljubljana
(The main hall)

October 18th, 2010
09:00 - 16:30


- to show the importance and the role of NGO movements or initiatives in establishing an open innovation ecosystem (on a regional, country, community or organizational level).

- to show, based on the InCo movement experiences and models, the possible tools, structures, projects and groups of participants that are needed for running such initiatives.

- to show the importance of diversity of initiatives yet that support each other in order to improve the social capital, and contribute a progressive change in society towards open innovation.

- to emphasis the importance of cross-regional and cross-continental networking and cooperation for successful development of regional and local innovation ecosystems.


08:45 Registration of participants

I. PART 09:30 - 10:45 (10 min block)

"Innovative dialogues", multimedia performance, Lado Jakša

1. "The role of National Council in modern societies, the missing link between the needs of citizens and policy makers", Blaž Kavčič, the President of the National Council of the Republic of Slovenia.

2. "Why do we need civil initiatives in the development of innovation ecosystems", prof.ddr. Matjaž Mulej, University of Maribor.

3. "InCo movement, - a civil initiative for progressive innovation ecosystems; The path that we have walked and the lessons we have learnt", Violeta Bulc, Vibacom.

4. INCO International, Diversity and implementation benefits in multicultural environment, Marija Kokelj, Pitea.

5. "Change The Game" initiative and why do we have an interest in InCo movement, Stefan Blachfellner, "ChangeTheGame" initiative founder & INDABA Corporate Consulting.

6. "Challenges of innovation ecosystems in Austria", Thomas Wallner, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria.

II. Part "Learning from the melting pot" 10:45 - 12:00 (10 min block)

"The role of Art in Innovation Ecosystem", Lado Jakša, multimedia performance

1. InJo (innovation journalism), the beginning of the InCo story

- "Stanford after Stanford, messages and lessons about InJo",
Matej Praprotnik, InJo scholarship 2010, RTV SLO.
- "Innovation Journalism: The changes in Slovenian media", Lenart J. Kučić, Delo; Mirko Štular,
Val 202; Domen Savič, Innovatif,
Round table moderated by Matej Praprotnik, RTV SLO (30 min).

2. InCo Jr, InCo Ba. (for the youth): "Why youth inclusion matters, in innovation ecosystems", Mojca Štepic, Vibacom, Andreja Križnič, Proaktiv.kom.

3. InLoCom (for innovative local community), Ana Savšek, RCL: "From InLoCom to sustainable regional partnership "Heart of Slovenia".

4. InCo Corp (for innovation communication within companies), Natalija Postružnik, Maribor Insurance

5. "InCo movement - the branding that made a difference", Ladeja Godina Košir, Delo.

LUNCH BREAK, 12:00 - 12:45

III. Part "New seeds that show new ways" 12:45 - 14:30 (5 min block)

Initiatives that co-created the consciousness:

1. Association for Fair Play and tolerance in sport, Milan Hosta, SPOLINT Inštitut.
2. Initiative "" for a healthy relationship with life, Nataša Gregorič, IMC.
3. Umanotera, NGO for sustainable development and environment, Gaja Brecelj, Umanotera.
4. "E-participation: NGOs way to innovative democratic dialogues", Simon Delakorda, INePa.
5. The role of expert associations in creation of open innovation ecosystems, Maja Makovec Brenčič, Slovenian Marketing Association,
6. "The role of professional association in creation of open innovation ecosystems", Sonja Šmuc, The Managers' Association of Slovenia.
7. "The National Scout Organization and their contribution to the open innovation ecosystem", Tadej Pugelj, MNO (the network of NGOs).
8. "Culture and innovation ecosystems", Samo Selimović, Bunker.
9. "Contribution of generation Y to open innovation ecosystems", Žiga Vavpotič, Zavod Y.
10. Katja Verderber, Presentation, Labyrinth of Art
11. "The role of Art of Living in creation of open societies", Sabina Podjed, Andrej A. Chiaiutta, The Art of Living(NGO).
12. "Luna festival and its contribution to creativity", Barbara Zonta.

Introduction of new InCo initiatives and contents:

13. ”Innovation Excellence” – best innovation performance and sustainability in ecosystems”, Dražen Carić i.c.i.c.
14. "Leadership for innovation ecosystems" Sonja Klopčič, Trimo.
15. "The story that was recognized at InCo 2007", Videolectures, IJS.
16. "New community tools for a new civil movements and engagements", Uroš Strel Lenčič, Ordo.

BREAK, 14:30 - 15:00

IV. Part "Future Outlook" 15:00 - 16:30

Comments from the audience (2 minutes per comment)

“The Pattern Language of Innovation Movements! – What can we learn from existing patterns to co-evolve global, regional and local innovation ecosystems?”, Thomas Fundneider & Stefan Blachfellner, "ChangeTheGame Initiative".

Closing remarks, Violeta Bulc, Vibacom

The conference will be taped and followed on e-media on-line

Konferenca je brezplačna/Conference is free of charge.

102 Mulej 1.pdf16.32 KB
104 incomovement 18 10 2010.pdf371.88 KB
106 Präs. INCO-Conference.pdf305.42 KB
201 injo Praprotnik.pdf984.84 KB
202 InCo Jr_Kriznic18102010.pdf524.1 KB
203 Prezentacija - Ana Savšek.pdf454.62 KB
205 inco Ladeja.pdf228.06 KB
301 Social Change & Innovative Interventions through Sport.pdf1.06 MB
303 INCO-Umanotera.pdf153.13 KB
306 MAS - InCo, 18.10.2010.pdf723.14 KB
307 eduAkcija1.pdf1.26 MB
305 DMS_SMA_2010[angl][1].pdf432.67 KB
308 Bunker.pdf962.79 KB
310 Labyrinth of art - Exodos.pdf737.06 KB
311 Art of living.pdf192.88 KB
312 Luna festival.pdf203.31 KB
313 Caric-icic.pdf687.9 KB
314 Sonja Klopcic.pdf324.85 KB
315 InCo_Videolectures.pdf318.27 KB
316 Uros_Strel_Lencic.pdf44.78 KB
101Nagovor Kavcic 18102010 angl.pdf21.37 KB